Tuesday, 5 January 2016

UK Blog Awards 2016 - it's the winning that counts

So we've been nominated for a blog award.
Us. Muz and Dawn. Incubator More. An award.
I know. An award.

Technically, and for the sake of transparency, I nominated us for a blog award, but Dawn was out getting drunk and throwing her shoes around on a work thing one night in November and I had nothing to do... so... well, I put Incubator More forward for the UK Blog Awards 2016 in the 'Lifestyle' section. And the 'Education' section (we taught you the chemical code thingy for Olivine - (Mg+2, Fe+2)2SiO4 - a few weeks ago).

The thing is that now the contenders are public, one of those popularity contest public voting systems has been launched which means that our little old page is pitted against heavyweights of the Blogosphere with their finely-honed Social Media Campaigns and millions of e-friends around the world all itching to make sure those with the most Twitter followers reign supreme.

We've only got this blog. And most of the time I just talk to myself on it.

We've got our personal Facebook pages too, I suppose, but as most of our readers come from there already, there's not much mileage in that. And I've only got 66 'friends' (by choice) anyway, so I'd be a fat lot of help.

Which means it's down to you, dear, dear readers.
We need your votes. Please.

I love what you've done with your hair, by the way. And where did you get that cardigan? That colour really suits you. It brings out your eyes - they're simply to die for! 

Voting is open from now until 9pm on Monday, January 25 - and you can vote once every day using the same email address.
If you have multiple email addresses we couldn't possibly condone duplicating a vote you've already cast, but you can if you want to. We can't stop you voting for Incubator More every day, using all of your different email addresses, including your work one, and we can't prevent you setting a daily reminder on your phone just in case you forget. We just can't. You might need to refresh the page after each vote, though.

To cast your vote every day, just click the logo below, which will open up our little page on the UKBA website.
Scroll to the bottom of the page, type in your name and email address then click where it says 'Select Category - in the last box.
Important: in the short list of categories, select Lifestyle + Education

If you could possibly tell all of your friends too, that would be spiffing. And if you were inclined to put it on your Facebook page that would be even better. And Twitter. And a mailshot to your colleagues. Is a TV ad taking things too far? I know some people who know some people who might have met Ant and Dec's backstage fluffer once...

Dad instructions:

  1. Click the picture logo below
  2. In the new window that opens, go right to the bottom (you can read the words later). Then back up a bit to the 'Vote Now' heading.
  3. Type your name in the first box
  4. Type your email address in the second box
  5. Click the words Select Category
  6. Select Lifestyle + Education
  7. Click the blue Submit button
  8. Make a cuppa
  9. Repeat this process every day!

Vote for Incubator More in the UK Blog Awards #UKBA16

1 comment:

  1. Voted! Good luck from Sleazyrider and Oldgeezer (aka Lois and Russ)


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